...Everyone struggles to guard their heart from breaking, when they should desire to have a heart that breaks...

John Geddes
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;... - Matthew Arnold

  2. You've got to have someone who loves your body. Who doesn't define you, but sees you. Who loves what he sees. Who you don't have to struggle to be good enough for. - Deb Caletti

  3. You stay safe, You love. You survive. You laugh and cry and struggle and sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. You Push. - Carrie Ryan

  4. Faith is why I'm here today and faith is why I made it through. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

  5. She was like a drowning person, flailing, reaching for anything that might save her. Her life was an urgent, desperate struggle to justify her life. - Jonathan Safran Foer

More Quotes By John Geddes
  1. ...some nights I'd sneak out and listen to the radio in my Dad's old Chevy - children need solitude - they don't teach that in school...

  2. ...the wet brush of snowflakes was like your kisses everywhere ...

  3. ...no good writing flows from a polluted well - you can write about monsters, but you can't be one...

  4. ...I don't just wish you rain, Beloved - I wish you the beauty of storms...

  5. ...true love is an irrevocable act - you can only give your heart away once - after that, you give as much as you have left ...

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